The time we are living in is the time of TRUTH and huge CHANGES which will inevitably bring our planet together with our civilization into the 5th dimension where ONLY BALANCE is allowed. There will be NO FEAR or any other lower energy frequencies there. Our planet, beloved mother Shan, is approaching faster and faster to our sun, while our universe is approaching the maximum of expansion where there will be NO TIME interval during which ALL laws necessary for the creative maintenance of physical matter and all materializing processes become suspended – there will be NO electricity. What is actually happening requires all of biological life to convey its meaning.
During this NON TIME interval there will be an emergence of the Planetary Being now taking definite form. This Planetary Being is actually “who we are”. We will be born!
To those of the human race who have turned themselves in to the will of God, the coming interval of non-time will literally expand into eternity. Others, not so finely tuned to the forces that will be released at that time, will feel great surges of energy, lasting for an indeterminate period. Some will experience an intense fear and many shall die.
We human beings are CONSCIOUSNESS living in the cosmic vacuum tube of invisibility and projecting holographically our creative DESIRES from that vacuum condition which are electrically recorded into desired (material) forms. We are NOT ENERGY, but we call in energy to manifest with it. There are universal laws which we use to inspire energy and to manifest with it in order to simulate all un-measurable QUAILITIES of the eternal universe at rest with measurable QUANTITIES of the transient universe of motion.
The basic universal laws are the law of BALANCE and the law of CONTINUITY. CAUSE is eternally balanced, while EFFECT is eternally changing to simulate balance through its unlimited forms. Since the CAUSE is infinite and eternal, which God Is, the EFFECT is also infinite and eternal, what means CONTINUITY.
The ONLY reason we are coming here is to learn the ONLY lesson which is how to BALANCE cause and effect. Only when there is RHYTHMIC BALANCED INTERCHANGE between cause and effect is the Law of Love fulfilled.
The secret of Creation lies in the compression of a HUGE VOLUME of space into a SMALL VOLUME of matter with eternal repetitions of this circle.
After the fall of Atlantis we have decided to experience LIMITED potentials and create with energy in the OLD way with FEAR, FORCE, POWER and EFFORT. The old way of creation with energy is HARD, COMPLICATED, INEFFICINET and EXPENSIVE. That is how all creation with electricity is.
Then, on August 17th, 1987 WE decided to experience UNLIMITED potentials and create in a NEW way, with DESIRE, COM-PASSION, LOVE, JOY and POWER-LESSLY. The new way of creation with energy is EASY, SIMPLE, EFFICIENT and CHEAP.
Old wisdom is dying – it has had its place on a dense Earth, but on a vibrant Earth in the next dimension there is a completely new Science. There is the science of Love and Consciousness, and the science of Balance, the science of Integration, and the science of Unity. Those realms of science need to be studied by scientists so that they may be able to control matter and its density, and make it less dense.
For unto all who will learn, will this knowledge be given. First we must have the intent, the desire to fit into the Crystalline Age. The Crystalline Age is one of instant communication, instant participation, instant wisdom, with material needs met instantly.
The new energy unit, the Dodeca, is an amazing tool which responds to Love, thoughts and Intents.
One Dodeca unit is comprised of 12 internal, proton-like sub-units that work in harmony, one with the other.
The Dodeca unit is a stand-alone energy with awareness.
This new energy with awareness is free all over the Earth.
Dodecas come from the sun and they are here to stay.
Dodeca energy comes directly from the atmosphere; electricity does not.
No More Power Black-Outs – No More Power Grids!!!